Articulate 360 Development

Yes, it’s what we do. But one size does not fit all. That’s why the Studio offers a range of services so that we can match our capabilities specifically to your needs.

Articulate Storyline

Empower your eLearning with our advanced Articulate Storyline 360. Unlock interactive, engaging content and transform learning experiences tailored to your vision.

Articulate Rise

Create beautiful, inherently responsive e-learning with Rise 360. Rise 360 automatically adapts courses for all devices using the latest web technologies.

eLearning Makeovers

Revitalize your outdated eLearning courses! Our expert team breathes new life into dated content, enhancing user engagement and modernizing learning experiences for maximum impact.

Video Production

Elevate your visuals with our post-production and animated video services. Our skilled team meticulously polishes your content, ensuring seamless storytelling and captivating, professional results.

Course Translation

Expand your reach with our comprehensive eLearning localization services. Our team adapts content for diverse cultures, ensuring seamless understanding, relevance, and engagement across global audiences.


Experience bite-sized, focused lessons that boost knowledge retention, fit busy schedules and drive engagement. Empower your learners with flexible, efficient education.

Our Work

Simple ‘page-turner’ courses don’t cut it anymore.

You need eLearning courses that engage learners right to the last module.

Online training can shine. But sometimes companies can’t achieve that all by themselves.

  • You can’t create high quality assets without an eye-watering budget, so your vendor list needs a rethink.

  • You don’t have time or expertise to make it happen in-house.

  • You struggle to find the right skills all in one place.

We will bring your eLearning content to life with video, animation, and gamification.

Our Process…

Step 1 - Project Start-Up

Start strong--finish strong. We place a heavy emphasis up front on really understanding you, your stakeholders, your audience, your business need, and your content. During the start-up phase, we review what content you have, talk to the key stakeholders about what success looks like, and then work together to make important design decisions to ensure your project’s success.

Step 2 - Design & Develop Course Prototype

If you're new or seeking a revamp, we'll create a 5-7 slide prototype, collaborating with you on key design choices including fonts, colors, style, navigation, and device compatibility. This preview will give you confidence in our joint decisions and course direction. Additionally, you'll be able to test the prototype in your learning management system.

Step 3 - Write & Review Storyboards

Our storyboard, a detailed course blueprint, includes content, interactions, and assessments. It also suggests graphics and animations, and covers narration, slide functionality, and knowledge checks. Developed using our expertise, it's confirmed with your team before course assembly.

Step 4 - Develop & Review Online Course

Your storyboards transform into a dynamic online draft of your course here, complete with content, audio/video (if applicable), graphics, interactions, and assessments for your testing. It's a chance for you and your stakeholders to review and ensure it meets your standards. Our review policy is formal but flexible, allowing you to propose sensible modifications throughout the process.

Step 5 - Quality Assurance

When your course launches, you'll aim for accolades, not complaints about loading issues or broken links. Our expert testers ensure the technical functionality, grammatical accuracy, style consistency, and browser compatibility of your courses. So if you're targeting a diverse audience across multiple devices, rest assured your course will operate seamlessly from beginning to end.

Step 6 - Publish & Deliver

When all components are approved, it's time to debut your course! We provide the finalized course files for you to upload on your chosen platform, like your website or learning management system. Additionally, we supply all the source files we utilized during the creation, enabling you to make potential updates in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Nada. We’ll help with you find the right solution no matter what stage of the process you are in. So whether you have a detailed online course outline and storyboard, or you’re a subject matter expert with valuable info floating around in your head, we can start from there.

  • Short answer? Yes. As long as your LMS supports SCORM 2004, SCORM 1.2, AICC, or Tin Can, your eLearning course will be able to speak to your LMS. Just to be sure though, we’ll verify that the course functions correctly in our Prototyping phase.

  • Good question! It all depends on the length of the course and how much of your material is already prepared for development. We suggest allowing 2 months for each thirty minutes of finished course material.

  • Yes! All of our Articulate Storyline courses are mobile compatible and will work on all computers, tablets, and smartphones. However, if you’re looking for a mobile ‘responsive’ course that is designed specifically for mobile devices, we suggest using Articulate Rise for your course development. And guess what. We do that too!

  • You bet. Once we’ve completed development, we hand over all of the Articulate Course files, any graphics used in the course, course narration, everything. That means you’re free to make any changes to your content that you see fit, forever.

    The only thing that you can’t do is re-use the graphic elements of the course for other purposes outside the course.

  • Just reach out to schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call. We’ll ask you a little about your project and content. Then we’ll put together a detailed development estimate and even a free course prototype if you’d like. No commitment is necessary on your part.

Let’s build something great together.